Bi-Cultural Day School
Bi-Cultural Day School
Sunday, May 19th, 2013   5 p.m.
Stamford Hilton

Morah Yonat Tucker
Rabbi Yehuda Tucker

Jane Shoztic Memorial Award

Morah Yonat and Rabbi Yehuda Tucker, our dynamic Israeli duo, are the ideal of what Shlichut should be about:  creatively and effectively bringing the knowledge, love, and spirit of Israel to the Diaspora.  For the past eight years, they have given tirelessly to our school and our community through teaching, communal programming, and making personal connections with adults and children alike.

Morah Yonat is a uniquely talented teacher who brings her love of Judaism, her love of Israel, and her love of children with her into the classroom each day. The results are creative and dynamic interactive lessons.


Equally laudable are Rabbi Tucker’s enthusiasm and dynamic teaching style that makes learning interesting and exciting for students.   His sense of humor and ability to interact with different types of students has enabled him to build many meaningful relationships.


Yet, what the Tuckers bring to our school is much more than that which they teach in the classroom. They are central in the planning and running of almost every Israel and holiday school-wide program. These informal educational programs on holidays, Yom HaShoah, Yom HaZikaron/Yom HaAtzmaut bring a new level of creativity to our school by involving students in art, singing and dancing in a unique style reflecting Israeli culture.  Morah Yonat and Rabbi Yehuda - working in tandem - provide the vision, insight, imagination, knowledge, organization and technical skills to make these programs successful and deeply meaningful.  


With equal verve and commitment, the Tuckers have made their mark on the community as a whole.  They have brought many of the aforementioned programs to the community.  Indeed, the community’s celebration of these special days will forever reflect their contributions. 


Morah Yonat and Rabbi Yehuda Tucker were born in Israel.   Morah Yonat studied at the teacher’s seminary in Haifa.  Rabbi Tucker graduated from Moreshet Yaakov College and received his semikha/ordination from the Mirrer Yeshiva.  They and their four children Matanel, Tamar, Yair, and Noam will be returning to Israel at the end of the summer.